Data Science & Research

BondCliQ Corporate Bond/Equity Relative Value Trading Strategy
BondCliQ Corporate Bond/Equity Relative Value Trading Strategy BondCliQ demonstrates the tremendous potential of their quote data when combined with equity data for a Relative Value Trading strategy. BondCliQ offers a free Jupyter notebook and sample trading data to allow detailed examine of the strategy. Request Access Here.

How BondCliQ Data can Inform Equity Strategies
This BondCliQ presentation at the 2021 Neudata Winter Summit discusses how BondCliQ data can be an essential component in improving equity performance in systematic, discretionary, multi asset and macro strategies. Detailed 10 minute video presentation found here.
Research Paper
Bond Quotes are More Informative than Trade Prices
Bond Quotes are More Informative than Trade Prices
Commissioned paper by Larry Harris, former SEC Economist, demonstrating BondCliQ quotes can provide increased value vs. the last TRACE trade print, and that value increases the longer period of time between trades and as trade size increases.
Research Paper
Quote Competition in Corporate Bonds
Quote Competition in Corporate Bonds
UCal Berkeley. This paper uses BondCliQ data to show market-wide higher quoting activity is associated with greater trading volume and lower trading costs. Also, quote competition for order flow is associated with improved execution as clients receive better prices when more dealers quote, and when clients trade with better quoting dealers.
Research Paper
Bonds vs. Equities: Information for Investment
Bonds vs. Equities: Information for Investment
UCLA. A paper outlining why credit spreads perform better at predicting economic outcomes and recessions better than equity market measures of risk.